-- Welcome to ABMS


The Ant-Bullying Movement Series (ABMS) has officially launched! You can now find everything online about the project, activities, partners, and how you can get involved! But first, let’s talk a little bit about ABMS.


Our project partners came together to use art and culture to prevent bullying in youth-at-risk. We will achieve this by increasing the skills and competencies of artists, educators, youth workers, educational leaders, and support staff working with vulnerable young people.


Our main priority is social inclusion; the intention of ABMS is to use dance to reorient negative behaviours in vulnerable populations as a method for increasing social inclusion. Nevertheless, ABMS is not intended to directly disrupt bullying routines, beliefs, and behaviours directly in youth-at-risk. Instead, the direct beneficiaries of ABMS are the adults who serve and work with vulnerable groups of young people.


Our project will provide activities that use movement in addition to skills and competencies from the experiences of our partners in theater, literature, visual arts, cultural heritage, and even gastronomy.


Each of our partners will host a 5-day residency-workshops for adults in their home communities. Our lead partner, Município de Vila do Porto, will host both a residency-workshop and culminating dance festival—where we will also stream festival performances and project results to our partners.


For further information on the ABMS activities, please explore our website and visit our social media channels. Follow us! We are super excited to share everything with you, but even more excited to see you get involved!


Project partners:


ABMS is supported through the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission.