Our Second AMBS Training is in Germany and applications are open!
Apply Here
When: 2 – 6 April, 2022
- Hildesheim, Germany, AND
- Online
- Applicants can choose to participate physically or digitally
This training is hosted by our partner, Netzwerk Kultur & Heimat, and is dedicated to two topics: Cultural Safety and Cyberbullying.
Who is This Workshop Residency For?
- Artists, educators, youth workers, educational leaders, and support staff that work with vulnerable youth
- Priority is be given vulnerable and underrepresented applicants.
What is it About?
Applicants accepted will learn and practice skills to
- Address sensitive issues with affected groups through art and culture
- Challenge the negative impact COVID has had on cyberbullying in youth
Participants Supports
- Travel and accommodation for partner country applicants participating physically (PT, HU, AT, RS, ES), OR
- Participation Fee for partner country online participants