All questions with * are required.
Fillable Form for Applicants
For Which Workshop Are You Applying *
Merging Methodologies & Practice / Applications for Vulnerable PopulationsCross Cultural Sharing In Dance / Focus On YouthCultural Safety & CyberbullyingThinking Critically / Disrupting Bullying With A Positive Lens Though MovementApplications for Choreology in Disrupting BehavioursCreating Synergies / Partnerships & Concept to Realization Practices in the Organization of Socially Conscious Art-MakingSanta Maria Island Dance Festival
Details experience related to the Topic (if any)? *
Details the demographics that you identify with (Check all that apply) *
Minoritized EthnicityRemoteMinoritized LanguageMinoritized LanguageRefugeeLGBTQIA2S+NewcomerDisabilityRural NewcomerLow-IncomeRuralPrefer not to say
Special Needs (E.g.: wheelchair access, sign language interpreter, dietary needs, etc.) *
How did you hear about us (check all that apply)? *
FacebookEmailTwitterWord of MouthInstagramOther [group group-825] [/group]
How Would you prefer to attend? *
Why do you wish to attend the workshop *
Details past experiences with Erasmus+ trainings (if any)? *
Have you been triple vaccinated? *
If yes, what vaccine
* I agree the terms, conditions and privacy policy