
About the project

-- Partners

ABMS is led by 5 European non-profit, partner organisations. Each partner represents a different European country: Portugal, Hungary, Spain, Germany, Austria, & Serbia.


Our organisations all serve underrepresented populations and have come together to use art & culture to disrupt bullying in youth-at-risk, by increasing the skills & competences of artists, educators, youth workers, educational leaders & support staff that serve vulnerable youth.

-- Our consortium represents the
following diverse populations

Inner-citiesLow-incomeMinority language groupsMinoritized ethnicitiesLGBTQIA2S+RemoteRuralRural NewcomersNewcomersRefugeesPeople of diverse abilities (including mental health)Young women & girls

Our diversity contributes
to the knowledge resources
of the ABMS wordshops.

By replicating and sharing our skills across our consortium, we increase the skill & competency of all our communities.

Facilitators from our organisations have detailed that they find it difficult to manage youth bullying, but also that they have found success in using art as a method to reduce bullying. Consequently, our consortium developed because we saw a problem, and identified that by workingtogether transnationally, we had the capacity to disrupt bullying in youth-at-risk & inspire young people to become positive contributors to their families, schools, friendships, & communities.


The ABMS partnership allows workshop participants from our countries to share skills and travel between our countries to attend trainings, full-funded. Participants with nationalities outside of our partner countries are welcome to attend our trainings but attend at their own cost. We welcome all international applicants.

Município de Vila do Porto is the only municipality on Santa Maria Island, which is the the third-smallest of island of the Portugal’s mid-Atlantic archipelago called Açores. Today, there are 5000 people living on Santa Maria, but in the 1950s, the island once had 18,000 inhabitants. The population dwindled because of mass family migration incentives from the United States and Canada.


Município de Vila do Porto is a recipient of multiple Portugal 2020 capital projects, and first implemented a socially inclusive dance programming on the island in 2019 with the support of Canada Council | Government of Canada funding. Therefore, we have a history of international cooperation projects with a performance focus.


Município de Vila do Porto is responsible for ABMS’s project management.

Fundación Uxío Novoneyra (FUN) is based in Galicia in the northwest of Spain (nuts es11)—nestled in the Courel mountains which is a UNESCO Global Geopark. The region also has its own minority language called Galician.


FUN is a literary foundation with a spin-off dance company called Kirenia Danza Dance Company. Kirenia Danza was founded in 2019 by, Kirenia Martínez Acosta, a choreographer, dancer, and actress originally from Cuba.  Since 2006, Kirenia has also been the co-director of Entremáns Dance Company. In the last 2 years, Kirenia Danza has produced 6 dance plays in addition to many training and education projects both nationally and at the European level–with the support of Erasmus+, iPortunus, and other funders.


FUN is an expert cultural management having received 10 European cooperation projects in the last 4 years, but they also administer many other activities outside of cooperation projects, such as


  • Year-round cultural activities for their in-house museum in the Courel hills (which boasts 500 visitors/year)
  • Book publishing in English, French, Spanish and Galician languages
  • Managing (a crowdfunding platform to fund literary projects internationally)

FUN is responsible for ABMS’s communication & dissemination strategy in cooperation with our Serbian partner, Association Kulturanova.

Surrounded by multiple mountain ranges, Xenia is located in the rural community of Bludenz in Austria’s most western state, Vorarlberg.


Xenia’s main goal is the promotion of cultural and social diversity. The NGO´s name refers to the ancient greek term “xenia” because since the times of Homer, the word, “xenia’ was used as a meaning for “host” and “guest”. “Xenia”, therefore, refers to the organization’s goal of overcoming social and cultural differences through research, documentation, the organization of events and exhibitions and the creation of educational offers for migrants and refugees.


Although the Xenia was only founded in 2016, it has participated in multiple EU-funded projects (Interreg & Erasmus+). Members of the association, speak many lunges likes German, English, French, Turkish, Italian, Spanish, Serbo-Croatian and Turkish; intercultural communication is critical to Xenia’s identify.


Xenia is responsible for monitoring of ABMS qualitative & quantitive evaluation plan & presentation of results in collaboration with Netzwerk Kultur & Heimat of Germany.

Pro Progressione is a Budapest-based artistic hub that connects people, professions, and ambitions by designing international collaborations in the field of culture. Pro Progressione  supports an environment where creative ideas, artists, cultural activists, scientists, and experts of various fields meet and give cutting-edge answers for the questions of our age.


Pro Progressione is built up on four main pillars, PP Social, PP Cult, PP Arts and PP Sound and is active in the field of socially engaged arts, cultural, natural heritage, music, and the productions of unique performances.


The organization has implemented numerous international projects supported by the European Commission and works towards the creation an international network of artists, institutions and audiences by helping communities to find their own unique path towards arts.


Pro Progressione  is a member of Culture Action Europe IETM, and the Association of Independent Theatres in Hungary.


For ABMS, Pro Progressione works with Município de Vila do Porto in the coordination of training modules & preparation of experts.

Based in Serbia, Kulturanova’s mission is to develop independent culture to encourage positive social change and improve the lives of creative people in Novi Sad and beyond by promoting


  • peaceful co-existence
  • equity for underrepresented populations
  • human rights


The NGO is dedicated to including vulnerable groups in its projects and advocating for creativity as a tool for economic development and entrepreneurship.


Like Fundación Uxío Novoneyra, & Pro Progression, Association Kulturanova is also a master in European Cooperation projects having been a partner in 13 projects in the last 4 years and realizing more than 70 projects of various sizes since their inception in 2001 . Therefore, as detailed Kulturanova collaborates with Fundación Uxío Novoneyra in managing ABMS communication & dissemination strategy.


Kulturanova’s President was also the coordinator of the team that secured Novi Sad’s European Capital of Culture; Kulturanova has remained very active in the process, having two big projects in the bid-book.

Netzwerk Kultur & Heimat is a stakeholder for boosting cultural development in the district of Hildesheim in Germany. The district has a population of 280,000 inhabitants including both the city centre & surrounding rural district.


Netzwerk Kultur & Heimat fosters networking by cooperating with public & private institutions & initiatives. It stimulates cultural action, connecting citizens with their environment, each other, & civic involvement.


Their network has 69 members including individual artists as well as organisations  such as, Kreischorverband (an association of choirs that has 2.500 members).


In Collaboration with Hochschule Fü Angewandete Wissenschaft Und Kunst – Hildesheim, University of Applied Sciences & Arts (HAWK), Netzwerk Kultur & Heimat monitor’s ABMS evaluation process including the screening of evaluation materials & results to ensure ABMS continues to improve throughout it’s lifetime.